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Mon, 10 Mar 2003

<cough cough> Things seem a little dusty around here, I guess it's been quite a while since I last visited this place.

Some of my co-workers that have been faithful readers laughed that I wrote how much I love to blog and then promptly disappeared for two weeks and steadily dropped off from there.  I've asked myself, on multiple occasions, since then why I've lost the urge to keep this space filled.  I think that the intensity of my emotional involvement here and the unfortunate fact that much of that emotion has been negative has tainted my enjoyment of posting.  Past and current events being what they are in the world, there isn't much in the way of positive things to post about.  Put all of that together and you've the recipe for a very lackluster urge to write.

Do I have any insightful thing to write here today?  No, not really.  I seem to have settled into a very go through the motions mind set and I'm hoping that by going through the motions here, that I'll manage to break free this vicious (or maybe it should read viscous as it originally did) cycle of apathy that never ends nicely.

Speaking of apathy, I am reminded of What Dreams May Come, if you have not seem this film I would highly recommend it.  This film strikes a deep cord within me but that's another entry for another day.

On a closing note, there is a very virulent worm spreading via unsecured Windows shares on port 445 (see TrendMicro for details).  As before, I suggest that you purchase virus detection software if you haven't already and I personally recommend F-Prot which is an amazing product at an incredible price ($25 for a single machine, $40 for 2-20 machines and an extra $2 for machine 21-2500, 80 machines = $160).

This entry authored by Tyran at 19:36

Tue, 11 Mar 2003

Just a quick follow-up on yesterday's mention of the latest worm explosion:  The problem appears, as usual, to be greatest for those of you with broadband connections and Win2K or WinXP installed with default configurations.  If that even remotely sounds like you, I highly recommend CERT's page dealing with this issue and also the links found there about Home Network Security, Home Computer Security, and the Create Strong Passwords checklist from Microsoft (help, I've just recommended an MS page!).

This entry authored by Tyran at 20:33

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